mardi, août 01, 2006

La tactique de l'armée israelienne

Une explication donnée par l'agence arabo-israelienne (si, si, c'est possible) Metula News Agency :

Gueule de bois stratégique

1 commentaire:

  1. Merci pour cette intéressante analyse qui confirmerait l'importance, dans la lutte anti-terroriste, de ce que les spécialistes (comme Ludovic Monnerat) appellent la "resymétrisation" des conflits (dits "asymétriques").

    A savoir, comme les Américains à Fallouja, amener les terroristes, très difficilement atteignables dans leur dispersion, à se reconcentrer en des points désignés où on peut alors les éliminer d'une manière plus conventionnelle ...

    Sauf que là en plus, il semblerait que les FDI soient en train d'ajouter à leur arc la corde des tactiques empruntées à la guerilla ...

    Et ce maintenant apparemment dans la très importante Vallée de la Bekaa où se trouveraient les meilleures troupes du Hez, ainsi que... leurs experts iraniens et syriens !

    Voir Rick Moran:

    "Baalbek just happens to be where the Syrians maintained their headquarters during the occupation of Lebanon. It is also the place where Iranian Revolutionary Guards were quartered during their announced stay in Lebanon during the 80’s.

    The Lebanese have accused the Syrians of never entirely leaving Lebanon, maintaining an outpost in the Bekaa Valley and being given cover by Hizbullah. It is also thought that the Iranians never left Lebanon either, handling logistical support for the terrorists also in Bekaa.

    Could the Israelis be going after the Syrian and Iranian personnel stationed in the Bekaa?

    The bulk of Hizbullah’s best fighters are stationed in the Bekaa Valley, being too valuable to risk in any stand-up fight with the IDF. The small sized operations carried out by the IDF prior to today netted only several hundred of the estimated 3,000 of these crack troops. Most analysts believed that in order for the IDF to really hurt Hizbullah, some kind of Bekaa operation was an absolute necessity.

    Is this a raid? Or are these troops the vanguard of a major thrust aimed at the heart of Hizbullah? And what about any stray Syrians or Iranians? What would be the consequences of the IDF busting up any kind of logistical and/or intel operations being carried out by the terrorist’s patrons?

    The next 48 hours will be the most crucial in this war."
