Ces derniers temps, Trump monte dans mon estime. Il est président depuis un an et je trouve qu'il ne se débrouille pas si mal. Surtout en tenant compte du fait qu'il n'a pas d'appuis à Washington.
Il a nommé des juges conservateurs à la cour suprême. Il a fait passer complètement sa réforme fiscale, partiellement le démantèlement de l'Obamacare et la réforme de l'immigration. Il semble (à confirmer) que le pression sur la Corée du Nord commence à porter quelques fruits. J'aimerais bien que Macron-Jupiter ait un bilan aussi substantiel.
Evidemment, ce que je vous dis est à cent lieues de ce que racontent les journaux, dont les boniments sur Trump vont de la compromission russe à la folie pure et simple, mais qui les croit ? Certainement, pas les lecteurs de ce blog !
On comprend bien les journalistes : ils sont dans une lutte de pouvoir à mort. Ils ont réussi à prendre le pouvoir il y a quarante ans en déligitimant Nixon (franchement, ces histoires de plombiers poseurs de micros, c'était ridicule). Aujourd'hui, Trump se bat pour redonner un peu de pouvoir au peuple contre la caste dirigeante dont les journalistes sont les moines-soldats. S'il est ré-élu dans trois ans, c'est la catastrophe pour eux. Il faut absolument le torpiller. Le délégitimer comme Nixon.
Heureusement, de l'eau a coulé sous les ponts depuis le Watergate et le pouvoir de persuasion des journalistes a bien diminué.
La vérité, l'information, l'objectivité, la déontologie et toutes les conneries journalistiques pour berner les gogos sont reléguées au rayon des accessoires.
Je ne connaissais pas la définition (voir ci-dessous) de la bourgeoisie comme la classe qui remplace la décision par la discussion. Mais c'est juste : on n'a jamais été tant envahi de gens qui sont amoureux du son de leur propre voix que depuis que la bourgeoisie règne.
Maverick Philosopher
Is there any question Haiti is a s***hole? Who’s offended by that? If it wasn’t a s***hole it wouldn’t be one of the most prominent recipients of American charity aid on Planet Earth. And it isn’t like this country has ignored Haiti — we’ve been trying to lift it out of s***hole status for more than a century, with absolutely no result whatever. In 1910, President William Howard Taft granted Haiti a large loan in hopes that Haiti could pay off its staggering international debt and therefore achieve a larger measure of independence from Europe. The result? Haiti defaulted and U.S. tax dollars were poured into a bottomless pit.
[. . .]
The open-borders crowd doesn’t want to talk about that, though, and it wants to call you racist if you’re opposed to a deluge of immigrants from the worst places on earth. That’s why Trump’s “s***holes” objection is big news rather than the fact there are so-called political leaders who can’t agree to reorient our immigration policy toward taking people who can successfully assimilate here.
Between the two, the crude man who tells the truth and looks out for his own citizens is preferable to the genteel man who sells us out for cheap labor or ballot-box fuel for a political machine. If Trump is the former, so be it.
Exactly right. The career politician is concerned primarily about his career and the power, perquisites, and pelf it provides. Despite what he says, the typical Republican is not primarily concerned about the welfare of the country. So he talks and talks, but never gets anything done, as if politics is endless gentlemanly discourse and nothing more. Well, talk is cheap and it allows the evasion of hard decisions.
Relevant is the following quotation from Carl Schmitt, Political Theology: Four Chapters on the Concept of Sovereignty, tr. George Schwab, University of Chicago Press, 1985:
According to Donoso Cortés, it was characteristic of bourgeois liberalism not to decide in this battle but to begin a discussion. He straightforwardly defined the bourgeoisie as a “discussing class,” una clasa discutidora. It has thus been sentenced. This definition contains the class characteristic of wanting to evade the decision. A class that shifts all political activity onto the plane of conversation in the press and in parliament is no match for social conflict. (59)
Trump is rude, crude, devoid of gravitas, self-absorbed, and given to exaggeration. He has orange hair. A statement he once made suggests that he is tolerant of pussy-grabbing. But so what given that he understands and threatens to act upon the following:
1) There is no right to immigrate.
2) Immigration must be to the benefit of the host country.
3) There is a distinction between legal and illegal immigration, and the latter must be severely curtailed if it cannot be stopped entirely.
4) Potential immigrants must share the values of the host country and respect its culture.
5) Potential immigrants must be assimilable and willing to assimilate.
6) With respect to immigration to the USA, preference ought to be given to potential immigrants from Ireland and Norway, say, rather than from Haiti, say.
No Democrat really believes (as opposed to insincerely giving verbal assent to) all or even most of the above, and few Republicans would be willing to act upon these propositions.
This is why Trump is our last chance. If he caves, then it's all over.
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